I have a noodle in my shoe

Two weeks ago I had a noodle in my shoe. Maybe I should rewind a bit before I get into that.

It was Wednesday evening and I was frantically running around the house trying to frost 24 pink cupcakes, take care of homework, and get myself ready so I could leave to church to help set up for our monthly women’s event. I was supposed to be there at five, and it was five, but I was still home.

Once my husband showed up, he took the kids and they headed out for dinner. Like a bobcat, I ran up the stairs and loaded myself up with 12 cupcakes on each arm. Then I ran back down the stairs and carefully placed them in the car, ran back up stairs, got the giveaways for the night, a bowl of leftover spaghetti (dinner for the night), my purse, and carefully flew down the stairs thanking God for each step that I took without falling down.

Huffing and puffing, (half from anxiety and half from being severely out of shape) I jumped into the car, put my seat belt on, rested the bowl of spaghetti on the console and took off. It was somewhere between reciting some scripture on peace and praying for green lights that IT happened. Somehow, (I’m still not sure what I did) my elbow must have come down on the side of the bowl, flipping it over and landing spaghetti all over the car and me.


Instantly everything became silent. The panic that I had been experiencing about being late came to a halt and I couldn’t even hear the cars racing by me anymore. All I could hear was my heart beating. What had happened? I was praying, I had my sword up. Why in the world did I have spaghetti all over the seat, the cup holders, and was that a noodle in my shoe?! I was already late and now I was going to be dreadfully late. For a split second I thought I was going to crack.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Trouble. That’s what I had and it was all red and making stains in my car. Instead of crying I decided I needed to have a little chat with God. And after getting some perspective, and a little humor back (hence the picture), I made my way to church, where I was greeted with a sweet hello and no real awareness that I was late. God bless those women 🙂

Of course this illustration is simplistic for this verse because most tribulations are not usually that trivial. Sometimes the tribulation is like an earthquake shaking your life hard, leaving you dumbfounded. Sickness, loss of loved one, struggles in your marriage, financial problems, the list goes on. And when you’re in the middle of it, its hard to see if you will have any peace. When trouble comes these are some of the truths I hold on to.

God is the one who makes beauty out of our ashes. Isaiah 61:3
He is the one who restores our tired souls. Psalm 23:3
He is the one who causes all things to work towards good. Romans 8:28
He is the one who restores what the locusts have taken away. Joel 2:25

When times are tough just running these verses off in my head will do nothing. It’s when I take time to meditate on each word, letting the truth really sink in and take over that I begin to believe. Then the transformation begins, hope arises, and my heart starts to change. It’s not always easy but it always works. It’s true His word has the power to change you.

Finally remember this, trouble is not around every corner but when it does come knocking remember God told you these times would come. But He also told you, He has overcome the world.

13 responses to “I have a noodle in my shoe”

  1. Love the added touch of the picture. Love it that I can relate to these hectic details and the way you described getting everything in the car. Love it that you were conscientious about wanting to be on time. Love it that you were forced to stop. Love it that you shared like this.


  2. Geri,

    I remember this night. It all seem to still work out and you were a blessing to all of us. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Girlfriend just be glad that you are still a “bobcat” racing up those stairs and not a “cougar”. They have a whole show about that. 🙂

  4. I love when God so reminds us who He is! He will just wait until we stop, so He can speak to our hearts. These verses are truly special!

  5. LOVE the picture!! Made it all so real. God in His wisdom even uses spaghetti to remind us who He is!! Love it! Thank you for sharing:)

  6. Oh gosh! Love it…. So glad to know that I’m not alone (I’ve been right here, trying to do it all, except mine was coffee) I felt pretty ridiculous drenched in it too. Believing, only I could do this! Thank you for humbling yourself, taking this picture and sharing so openly and honestly. Love u for it……keep em coming!
    When do u want to get our cars detailed!

  7. I love your words of wisdom and your sense of humor. Don’t we all need some perspective and a laugh when things just are not going our way! God wants us to fully rest in Him and trust Him for each step along the way, spaghetti or not! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thank you for the reminder of truth and the sense of surrender that spilled spaghetti brings. And that surrender brings peace. I’m learning it isn’t surrender as in “I quit. I give up.” For me, its surrender as in “Oh, yah. Why do I try to do so much on my own?!!” A tale well told and the photo added so much.

  9. You were so calm, cool, and collected that night that you certainly put your troubles behind you and let God shine through you. Your radiant smile and caring words showed others that greater is he that is in you than the trouble caused by a noodle in the shoe.

  10. Had read your post a few days ago. Read it again today. Tears came to my eyes. Really struggling right now at this time…unemployed for the second time in my life,feeling disconnected,very low at times. God bless you for your faith filled words that are able to touch so many.

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