The 4th grade mile run

After dropping the kids off at school one day I realized I had an hour to kill so I decided that instead of driving home I would work on my bible study in the peace and quiet of my car. Thankfully I had all my equipment with me: my bible, study book, pen, and me. I flipped the pages to week 5, day 1 and read the big-bold- title:

“You Can Do All Things Through Christ.”

And in a big, bold, response I quickly replied “Oh no I cant!” Immediately one perfectly good reason after another came pouring out of my mind as to why that statement was not true of me. The truth of me is, some things I can do, most things maybe, but all things- no way.

God must have had it with my self loathing because right then I audibly heard in a shouting chorus, “YOU CAN DO IT!”

For a second I couldn’t breathe. Was it the end of the world? What was going on? Had I actually heard the voice of GOD? And then I looked up and just a few feet away I saw the school field and the 4th grade class (my son’s class) running the mile run.

The mile run. It had been the talk of our house for the past month. All the 4th graders were determined to accomplish the race and finish in good time. I was able to make out my son in the field and could see he had crossed the finish. But he along with some of the other children were cheering on the kids who were lagging behind trying to finish that last grueling lap.

“You can do it!” they shouted “Don’t give up”, “You only have a little more to go”, “Your almost there!” The kids were speaking to the runners and God was speaking to me. I stayed glued to the scene until the last child triumphantly crossed the line. And when they all had finished they walked back to class and the field was empty.

Leaving me alone to process.

First of all, is God the king of timing or what! All the moments that had to perfectly coincide just so God could shake me by my insecure shoulders. If that isn’t love I just don’t know what is. Secondly, can I do all things through Christ? I can when I stop thinking its all about me and instead remember its all about Jesus. Jesus no doubt can do all things. And through him I can also. The door is wide open and the possibilities in our lives are endless.

All God wants us to do is keep our eyes securely fastened on Him and believe that He will empower us to do what he commands of us. That He loves us more than we can imagine and He would never lead us to failure. In fact 2 Corinthians 2:14 tells us God always leads us to triumph in Christ. So with that truth confidently under our belt we can step out in faith in whatever challenge He puts before us.

And if you tremble, it’s okay; walk forward anyways and watch as He comes and steadies those shoulders.

Philippians 4:13 (Amplified Bible):

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].

13 responses to “The 4th grade mile run”

  1. Geri,
    I enjoyed both your posts. Thanks so much for sharing. It is truly amazing how God works with each one of us. Keep writing and know that YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS!

  2. Hi Geri,

    Thanks so much for sharing your blogotional! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. I love the story of hearing God say “You can do it!”. What a great testimony! Not only can God accomplish great things, but he can do more that we can ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20). That was very real in my life this year. Looking forward to reading more on your blog! Thanks for sharing! Love, Monica

  3. Geri! You’ve done it. I’m soooo impressed. This is a GREAT peice. It has inspired me girlfriend. It has helped me look at my own self-doubt and reminded me that indeed, all things are possible through Christ. Thank you. Keep writing. You are making a difference.

  4. My friend…. YOU DID IT!!! I really enjoyed reading your blog this morning. I am so excited that you have taken this step forward in your passion for writing and have believed in Christ … that through him all things are possible. You are a blessing in my life. Maura:)

  5. So hard to remember to focus on Jesus, not all the other “junk”. Life seems so much more do-able when we take ourselves, with out silly thoughts and insecurities, out of the picture and focus on Him.

  6. Dear Geri~ YEAH!! I feel like a proud mama as I read your thoughts and feelings on your blog! You did it…. and what an amazing writer you are! What a blessing this has been to me already and to so many others! You CAN do ALL things through Christ…this is just one of the many things He will do through you! God Bless you my friend…I look forward to reading all of your future blogs!

  7. Geri, you are evidence that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I’m blessed as I read you’re thoughts and struggles, I know many will be ministered to. Remember, our fears are just those annoying little distractions that have no power!!

  8. My dear friend~ Wow, how great! This is going to really, really be great for me! You know, I look at you as such a great Godly woman and this just puts the icing on the cake~ Great read, great thoughts, great writer! I am eager to read what comes next! Your amazing and God will speak to so many women through YOU….Love you Geri girl~

  9. Alright girl, You know I love it, You always surprise me…Just like the Lord does in my life…For as the heaves are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts, than your thoughts…..The Lord Isaiah 55:9 Keep perservering in the Faith, Love you all the way to heaven and back, Selina Maria

  10. Geri,

    I am so proud of you!! You have come a long way my friend–first getting on a plane and now stepping out in faith to use your God given gifts to minister to others. God is at work in your life in such powerful ways. God has given you such a love for Him and His Word that is reflected in how He uses you to communicate His Word to others.
    God bless you my friend. I love you, Geri!!


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